Add your Halloween stories and pictures here!
<span style=”color: #339966;”>Elena sent in this beautifully written story about her scarecrow. Great picture to go with it too!</span>
I walked the dog after dinner last night and when it was time to return home, I decided to take a shortcut through the woods. On the edge of the wood there was an abandoned house. I walked past the houses and I heard a strange noise . Suddenly, the windows opened, and I got scared. I hid behind a tree. After 10 minutes I went back to the house and I knocked the door , and it opened and nobody was there. Then I came in and I saw a sofa , a raf , a portrait, and a mirror, all covered in dust.I saw . Behind my reflection there was a witch . Increased (not sure what you mean here) and I ran away . I got up and I realised that all was a nightmare .
This could be the script for a 3 panel cartoon. Nice detail with ‘covered in dust’.
Hello, this is Alejandra
It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was whistling through the trees and the rain was pouring down. Not only was I completely soaking wet, but also my teeth were chattering because of the icy wind.I knocked on the door of the ancient random mention mansion as hard as I could; little did I know the horror that awaited me on the other side of the door.
Inside, with the light of the lightning, I could see that there were piles of leaves all around the place, some even looked like they haven’t hadn’t entered the room by themselves, it was like them their being there had a purpose. I did not focus a lot on that fact, as I felt like I was going to trip in the darkness and break something. Therefore after setting my priorities, I decided that first, I had to turn on the lights, second, dry myself, I refuse to die due hypothermia and third, find a comfortable place to sleep.
Once I had turned on the lights, I looked around. The floors were made of dark oak, and even as resilient as they were, each step I took, echoed like thunder. The floors were made of dark oak and, as resilient as they were, each step I took still echoed like thunder. It almost sounded like a melody. A terrorifying one, of course. I continued to walk down the hall until I reached the living room, deciding to continue press on walking just as I noticed a small movement on the side of my eye. Quickly turning around, some leaves had moved, but there was not an air current inside of the house.
Jogging slightly faster, I reach the dorm area. I try to open doors despite already knowing that it was likely that they were going to be closed locked. Until thankfully one did open and when I turned on the light, it seemed to be the master bedroom. The mattress was completely full of dust, but there were no leaves inside, so it was an improvement compared to the rest of the house.
Walking to the bathroom, I saw some reflections of the light coming from inside of a wardrobe, though I decided to live in the bliss of ignorance.
After taking a towel and drying my hair, I walked towards the bed lifting the sheat sheet to avoid any dust. Exhausted, I began to close my eyes, and in the moment in which I fell asleep, something dragged me under the bed. No one ever found me.
Great story with lots of suspense. I felt the long sentence I corrected had a bit better flow but I loved the detail you had written. It is easy to imagine the room and the feeling when we have details we know from the real world. You avoided repetition really well too. Thank you!
Great Halloween picture, good work!
It was a foggy, quiet night and I was coming back from a Halloween party. I was all alone. Suddenly, at the end of the street, I saw someone walking towards me.
It got closer and closer ,I started to get nervous I ran as fast as I could but it was useless , the shape got closer ,I entered a MERCADONA after that, I crashed into a shopping cart .
I ran up the mechanic stairs I ran all straight and knocked out 27 coffee packages ,after that I hided myself inside the bathroom.
I waited and waited but nothing ocurred, so I decided to go out and so ,I did . I slowly walked down when I heard someone calling me so I ran up the staircase when suddenly I noticed that who was chasing me was one of my friends . He chased me all around the street to give me a EURO that fell off my pocket!!!!!!!
What a dramatic story! I wasn’t expecting that ending at all!
I walked the dog after dinner last night and when it was time to return home, I decided to take a shortcut through the woods. On the edge of the woods there was an abandoned house. I walked past the house and I heard a strange noise. Suddenly…
a werewolf jumped towards me and bit me.Then I woke up. I realised it had been a nightmare in halloween’s eve.
The next day I went to class dressed as a sorcerer. We did a creepy escape room and we ate sweets. At the evening I went out with my friends to do trick or treat. When we were coming back my best friend Emma decided to take a shortcut through the woods. I remembered my nightmare and told the rest not to go there, but Tommy decided to go there and we all followed him. There was a full moon. In the woods we saw an abandoned house which made me shiver. We walked past the house when we heard a strange noise. Instantly I threw my friends to the floor and afterwards a werewolf jumped to the place we were before. We started fighting bravely, but he bit Tommy. He was becoming a werewolf when some clouds passed in front of the moon. Both werewolves became humans, one was Tommy and the other one was my father. I couldn’t believe it, but my friends quickly ran out of the woods.
In the morning I went to talk with my father, but when I entered my parents room I found out that my mother was a vampire.
Another story with a twisty ending. Lots of action in the middle too.
Hi,I’m Hector and this is my story.
I walked the dog after dinner last night and when it was time to return home, I decided to take a shortcut through the woods. On the edge of the woods there was an abandoned house. I walked past the house and I heard a strange noise.
Suddenly a ghost appeared and he said: You need to go through the door and once you’re inside you need to pass some different trials, like a escape room, when you finish them you need to put the final code and then you could get all the sweets of the world because a thief stole all the sweets of the world and he keeped them inside a big safe. I asked him how the thief could keep all the sweets of the world in only one safe? But he didn’t tell me nothing and he vanished. I was in shock because I didn’t understand nothing, but I went through the door. I wasn’t leaving without saving halloween.
I finished the first trial, and one by one I was getting closer to the end. When I past all the trials I went to the safe and I wrote the code, I didn’t believe it was correct because it was really difficult. Then the ghost appeared again and he congrat me because I saved halloween and the police captured the thief. We all lived happily for ever after.
Ah, you got the ‘Hollywood’ ending where everyone lives happily ever after! I would like to know more about the different trials (perhaps in the sequel)
It was a foggy, quiet night and I was coming back from a Halloween party. I was all alone. Suddenly, at the end of the street, I saw someone walking towards me.
I kept walking home, minutes after when I arrived I saw a person in my kitchen, The person was wearing my mother´s clothes and an ugly mask. The mask was terrible, it has my initials on it. I was scared so I run fast to my grandparents house.
I arrived an I knock the door. My grandmother opened the door and ask me what I was doing there.
I said to her; I saw strange person in to my house!! I was so scared an my grandmother took me to bed soy I sleep so fast. In the morning when I got up, I saw someone sitting in my bed.
I called my grandmother so fast but she said me that there wasn´t anyone in my bed apart from me ☹.
In that moment I understand that I was the only person who can se that ghost.
The only one who can see the ghost – nice supernatural detail.
I walked the dog after dinner last night, and when it was time to return home, I decided to take a shortcut through the woods. On the edge of the wood, there was an abandoned house. I walked past the house, and I heard a strange noise. Suddenly, my heart started pounding faster, and I felt a chill down my back.
As I turned to see where the noise was coming from, I saw a shadow. I was scared,so I took my dog to protect him.
The strange noise got louder.They shheemed like whispers. My mind raced with questions: Who could it be? Was someone hiding inside? Or was it something supernatural?
With trembling legs, I took a step closer to the house, trying to discover where the whispers came from.Just as I get closer the front door, a door creaked open from deep within the house. It was so terrifying for me.
Unable to resist the urge to investigate, I entered the abandoned house quietly, my dog following behind me. The strange noises didn’t stop,increasing the sense of unease that filled the air.
As I stepped further into the house, the whispers transformed into a laughter. It echoed through the empty rooms. Goosebumps covered my arms White I was hearing that terrible laught.
Suddenly, the wind enter through the house, slamming the doors shut and plunging me into darkness. Panicking, I fumbled for my phone, trying to get light.With my flash I illuminated the room, and what I saw in that moment made my get anxious.
Silhouettes of figures appeared in my back, their eyes had a shade of red. I felt trapped, their presence terrible.
Triying to maintain my body, I felt backward, my dog barking furiously behind me. I run through the door without seeing because I was in the dark.Finally i get outside de house.
Breathing heavily, I Hugo so hard to my dog,Boeing grateful to be outside that terrible home,but when I look back for a second I saw three of the statures looking to me.I traed to run,but duddenly,my alarm started ringing and I discovered that all was a dream.
Nice one Lucia. That is like the story from a TV series. Made me quite anxious in the middle.
I love the ghost trying to scare the pumpkin! Nice picture, thank you!
Great picture and excellent descriptions. Nice work Ruben.
It was a foggy, quiet night and I was coming back from a Halloween party. I was all alone. Suddenly, at the end of the street, I saw someone walking towards me.
I don’t know who was, but it has a human shape. When the person was next to me, I saw it was a witch, and suddenly she use a bag to cover my head and I get asleep. When I woke up, I was in a jail. I’ve been kidnapped by the witch! She told me she’ll make with me a pumpkin soup for her black cat. I was so scaried. I tried everything to get out the jail: dig with a showel that I found, force the door lock, brake the jail bars… during one week, but I couldn’t. A week later, I hear some voices, and I recognised them: my friends’s voices. Then I shouted them, and finally they get in the witch’s house. They made a plan: two of them distracted the witch and the rest rescued me.
At the end, we went to my house. Myfriends told me they were very worried about me, and we were happy again because now we were all together.
<h1> THE END</h1>
It’s like an episode of ‘Goosebumps’ on the TV. Good job, nice details.
His name is Ren.
He likes to eat brains and crows.
He walks on the streets of Guamasa.
He scared scares children and adults.
He likes to kill farmers.
Oh, I love that picture!
Her name is Rosalen. Rosalen walks on Tacoronte streets. She makes noises like scrape. She scares the children. She‘s looking for best friend.
I hope Rosalen finds a friend before something terrible happens!
I walked the dog after dinner last night and when it was time to return home, I decided to take a shortcut thorugh the woods. One the edge of the wood there was an abandoned house. I walked past the house and I heard a strange noise .
Suddenly the entrance door opened and a small mouse came out, my dog barked at it and the mouse left, I got curious and decided to go in. I went with my dog in my arms and we crossed the door, everything was dark inside, there were things on the floor, broken pictures and mirrors, it was all very strange but we went up to the upstairs room, there was an open window that overlooked the garden, I looked up. downstairs and I saw a girl with her dog playing, but it was strange since they were pale and that was when I realized that it was my dog and I, we were the same in all aspects.
Suddenly a bell rang and the ghost girl opened the garden door to see who it was, it was the postman, the ghost dog ran out and the ghost girl ran after it to the road where a car hit them and they died, it was there that I realized that this had happened a few years ago and this had not been a coincidence but that the window in which he had looked was like a jump in time and that was the past.
That meant that everything that has happened since that day was a lie since we were not there, that’s why my parents never listened to me or responded to me, but they did talk to me. And that house was ours in the past but after what happened my parents had moved, so as not to remember that moment.
That story is a little complicated but I kind of like it. It has all the elements of one of those unsettling TV shows or short stories where you are not quite sure what is the truth.
Hi! I am Pablo. This is my scarecrow.
His name is Fredol,he knows how to walk and running.He no know speaking English,he know only speaking French,he only walking the Halloween night .
His favorites foods is the cookies and the worm organs.
He doesn’t like sweets,that’s why he goes out on Halloween to steal candy and destroy them.His favorites words are screape and screap.
I think that is a very good name for a scarecrow. I think you need some more practice with your present simple grammar though!
It was a dark and stormy night, the wind was whistling through the trees and the rain was pouring down. Not only was I completely soaking wet, but also my teeth were chattering because of the icy wind. I knocked on the door of the ancient run-down mansion as hard as I could; little did I know the horror that awaited me on the other side of the door.
A supernatural force pulled me into the house without giving me time to call for help. Inside the mansion, everything was dark. But suddenly, a mowing moving light, coming from what seemed to be a kitchen, shocked me. I plucked up my courage and followed the light. However, I regret having made that decision, because if I hadn’t, I would still be alive.
A demonic presence wrapped its horrifying limbs around me and began to strangle me savagely. When I was already inert on the ground, it began to curve up my tiny body. After I was dead, my soul came out of my body and I could see a new abomination. The souls of thousands of people, who had died just like me, lived in the mansion. They were forced to guide people who were lost in the forest to this place. So, the presence would not send them to hell.
This is how I have witnessed the death of many people for 20 years. I’m no longer disgusted by the human organs scattered on the ground and the yells for help start to sound like a harmonious song.
Tip: Don’t go for a walk in the woods on a cold winter night, unless you want to die.
That story is all kinds of gruesome!