The end of October is Halloween so our words this month are often used at this time of year.
Can you write sentences or a story using witch, cat and pumpkin?
You can add a picture too if you like, I like to see your pictures with your stories 🎃
For example:
There was a young witch who loved Halloween. She danced with her black cat and they ate pumpkin pie under the full moon.
Once upon a time there was a young girl in a small town called Maville. The girl’s name was Mary. One day she went to the woods with her white cat, there she found a beautiful black flower. When she grabbed it she became a witch and her cat turned black. A week later a young boy called Luke went to the woods and he found a talking pumpkin. The pumpkin told him what to do in order to save Mary.
Firstly he kept on walking until he found a tree with claw marks. In front of Luke there was a werewolf. It jumped towards him, but Luke stayed still and when the werewolf was going to eat him it disappeared and left a garlic. A while after a vampire appeared, but Luke threw a garlic to it. The vampire instantly vanished and it only left a worn out key. Luke took the key and a white flower.
Later he went to a little house and after a creek he opened the door with the key. In the house he found a witch and a black cat sitting on the sofa. He told the witch he was looking for a job and if he got one here he would give her the precious flower. Mary immediately accepted and when she touched the flower she turned into a young girl and her cat turned white again. They walked together to the town.
Luke and Mary will never go back to the woods and they lived happily ever after.
Happy Halloween!
Nice story Hugo, lots of detail and many things happened. Good use of our three words of the month too.
<b>The Funtime Factory</b>
It was a foggy, quiet night and I was coming back from a halloween party. I was alone. Suddenly at the end of the street I saw someone walking toward me. I was dressed of a pumpkin. It was 9 o’clock and I was scared. I said hello, but the person didn’t said nothing . He started to run toward me and he kidnapped me. Then I slept and I dreamed with witches. When I woke up I was in a strange place, It looked like a factory and I walked and walked but there was any one there. I keep going and started to see some posters of strange toys.
Then at the end of the room I saw a black cat and some cauldrons. When I was going to touch the black cat he disappeared. I heard a strange noise, a kind of laugh. Then I saw him. It was a scary toy, it was like a pink spider and she was about to kill me, but when the pink spider was about to kill me I woke up, I was in my bedroom. I think it all was a nightmare. When<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>I went to sleep again the pink spider enter in my bedroom.
Great story Lucas.
Hallowen started and Nerea was happy because it was her favourite season.
One day Nerea went to her grendmother’s grandmother’s house because she used to tell her scary stories .
Her grandmother made a tea and some milk to Nerea and then she sat on the sofa . Her cat sat with them. The grandmother
started to tell the story . When she finisshed Nerea was very scared and she couldn’t stop thinking about wich and pumpkings . Her grandmother’s house was far from Nerea’s house . And she was so scared that she didn’t want to come back alone . She told this to her grandmother , and she understood . They went together to Nerea’s house when Nerea arrived to at her house she wrote the story her grandmother her in her diary , to told to the story to her friends .
Great little story Ayelen. I like the start where her grandmother makes a drink and they sit down – great detail.
Today is Tuesday,October 31 and it’s Halloween,my friend came to my house to get ready to go out with me and we met the others in the square to trick or treat around the houses.It was half past seven and we were leaving the house when a black cat walked in front of us and scared us,we laughed and continued walking to the place when we got there we greeted each other and talked for a while, when suddenly it was eight and we went trick or treaning . We were had visited four houses when we found a somewhat creepy house,we rang the doorbell and no one opened the door so we knowed knocked again, meanwhile I looked at the decoration of the house, it only had some decorated pumpkins and a broom at the entrace. No one opened for us like that so we decided to leaving leave but a witch opened the door for us and gave us candy in a friendly but strange way. We left there because we didn’t like that house and the cat that my friend and I saw before was sitting on a chair, it was hers.
The next day my friend and I were on our way to school when we passed by and realized that the house was not here, it had been a magical night.
Nice story, Tatiana. Has all the elements of a proper scary movie – the black cat, vanishing house, creepy things happening! The twist ending works really well.